lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Class Observation 4

Class Observation 4

Teacher: Edith Nancy Espinel
Program: Software
Time observed 4 hours
Date 2015-07-21

This class was on the first floor in one of the computing classrooms, where there are 30 computers and there were 16 students, this session was the second part of a series of sessions where the objective was to train the students in the identification of mistakes in C programming.

The class
The first part of the session was with the teacher giving reviewing the work done in the previous class, then she presented the activity, every student will receive a program already created and they were supposed to check it carefully and little by lttle identify and correct the mistakes in order to make the programs run.
After the explanation the Ss go to their computers and start the work, although it is individual, they are encouraged by the T to try to help the people they can, so from time to time some of them stood up and went around the class helping each other, after trying the option of collaborative way the go and ask the teacher.
During one hour T seemed to be disconnected for what was going on but after a while she started to walk around the classroom monitoring the Ss work. The session almost ended but I had to leave earlier because m class was about to start.

In this case there are many, I liked the way the Ss cooperate one each other, also the route proposed by the teacher, first try to solve it individually, then try the internet, if not ask your partners and if definitely you can’t solve it ask the teacher.
I also liked the strategy used, where the Ss is the one who has to experience the work of be responsible of making things work. The Ss work was very independent and the T function is to set the situation and to support them in the process.

I think that the T took too long to walk around the class, she could have done it before. Specially with the lowest level students.

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