viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Diary September 19th

Finally yesterday was the final project presentation, in most of the cases my students had a good performance, although in some cases they decides to do the presentations memorizing the information. It was an interesting exercise but it makes me wonder how effective the last activities were. It was clear that the “stage fright” affected their normal performance but the question now is what can a teacher do to avoid the effects of it in a situation like this one.

1 comentario:

Sun äitis dijo...

You had a good start with your blog, but have not updated it for a while. Please, look up the suggested layout settings from the handout I shared on Moodle. Also: write the following posts:
1. Contact day reflections
2. Task 1
3. Task 2

Those task are described in my other handout on Moodle.
