miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Diary September 8th

The trimester is about to finish, and the students have to prepare the final presentation of their projects, including an abstract in English. The software programming students created apps and databases for small companies around the neighborhood, and we started to prepare those presentations. It is clear that most of our students do not have many skills in oral presentations and they do not feel confident enough when they are in front of a big audience, and it becomes even harder when they are doing it in English. So the challenge for me is even bigger. We started creating the initial draft of the oral presentation, and one of the most difficult things for them is to understand that when they are talking in a second language, they need to use a vocabulary that matches with what the already know, they tend to use “too sophisticated vocabulary” so the first task is to make the revision of that vocabulary.

1 comentario:

Sun äitis dijo...

Interesting notion that the students tend to use too sophisticated language! That is something I also encounter a lot (both with "real students" in the vocational schools and with my student teachers, and even when they speak in their native language. I usually ask them to say things so that they understand themselves, what they are saying :)