martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

My Profile

My name is Fredy Roa, and I am an English teacher at SENA Centro de Materiales y Ensayos Regional Distrito Capital. I studied in the "Universidad Pedagógica Nacional" and finished in 2004. But I have been teaching for the last 12 years. M main experience has been with adults in universities.

I started working in Vocational teaching since 2011 and it has been a very interesting area to work on. In these moments I am working with Software programming students. My purpose in this course is to acquire new knowledge in the teaching field, and learn how to apply it in my professional life.

1 comentario:

Sun äitis dijo...

Thank you for sharing your diary! Very interesting and creative examples! E.g. the exercise where the students told about their old injuries was interesting: when the topic is personal, one tends to forget the grammar difficulties. To make following this blog a routine for me, I'd like to subscribe it. There are two ways this could happen:

1. In the blog settings, go to Mobile & email, and add my gmail to the boxes Comment Notification Email and Email posts to. This way I'll get automatically a copy to my email whenever something happens here! (sunaitis is my username)

2.Go to Settings > Layout >Add a Gadget (e.g. in right margin) and choose the gadget Follow by email. This makes it possible for all the HH teachers to start following you (and also anybody else who is interested and knows the address).

Of the two I'd prefer the latter, because also others could follow you.

If you are ready to share your blog with your team, another option would be to share every entry to Google Community. (I did not quickly find a ready-made gadget for it, but copy-pasting the permanent link of the post would do the trick.

- Irmeli